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  • indoor VCB vacuum circuit breaker
indoor VCB vacuum circuit breaker

VSG-12 insulation cylinder withdrawable VCB circuit breaker

Model: VSG-12


VSG-12 Indoor High Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker(abbr.: circuit breaker) is three-phrase A.C. 50Hz indoor of power supply distribution equipped with the rated voltage 12 KV. This product is in accordance with GB1984-2003( high voltage A.C. circuit breaker),JB3855-1996 (3.6-4.5KV indoor A.C. high voltage circuit breaker), DL403-2000(technical conditions for ordering of 12-40.5KV high voltage vacuum circuit breaker) and IEC standard 62271-100:2001( high volage A.C. Circuit breaker). It can be used for protecting and controlling equipment in the grid equipment and the dynamic design of industrial and mining enterprise .It is suitable for switching load and frequent operation with different property and with the capability of many times operations of breaking short-circuit current.

Outstanding Features Make You Stand Out

We play extreme caution to quality and utmost attention to detail, which makes our products so perfect.

  • administration.icon02
    Modularization of Functional Unit

    The main circuit unit and running product are coherent in interchangeability.

  • administration.icon02
    Strong Versatility

    The operating mechanism can be separated from the whole circuit breaker for convenient and easy maintenance and fix.

  • administration.icon02
    Low Maintenance

    No need of adjustment of driving unit; long-acting lubricating, reliable corrosion resistance, and high mechanical stability make low maintenance possible.

  • administration.icon02
    Long-acting Lubricating

    We apply German lubricating grease boasting lower starting torsion, stronger anti-aging and oxidation resistance.

  • administration.icon02
    Strong Corrosion Resistance

    Utilizing zinc-nickel alloy plating line with a German process to make sure our corrosion resistance is 5 to 7 times stronger than ordinary zinc-plating process.

  • administration.icon02
    Strong Expandability

    This product can easily realize diverse arrangements and combinations to meet functions like expandability and control.

  • Product Detail
  • Technical Parameters
  • Technical Drawings

VSG-12 Indoor High Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker(abbr.: circuit breaker) is three-phrase A.C. 50Hz indoor of power supply distribution equipped with the rated voltage 12 KV. This product is in accordance with GB1984-2003( high voltage A.C. circuit breaker),JB3855-1996 (3.6-4.5KV indoor A.C. high voltage circuit breaker), DL403-2000(technical conditions for ordering of 12-40.5KV high voltage vacuum circuit breaker) and IEC standard 62271-100:2001( high volage A.C. Circuit breaker). It can be used for protecting and controlling equipment in the grid equipment and the dynamic design of industrial and mining enterprise .It is suitable for switching load and frequent operation with different property and with the capability of many times operations of breaking short-circuit current.

S/N Name Unit Data
* Type


/ □Handcart Type with Embedded Pole

□Handcart Type with Insulated Cylinder

□Fixed type with Embedded Pole

□Fixed type with Insulated Cylinder

1 Rated voltage kV 12
2 Rated frequency Hz 50/60
3 Rated  insulating level 1min  power frequency withstand voltage kv 42
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kv 75
4 Rated current A 630 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000
5 Rated short circuit breaking current

Rated thermal stability current(effective value)

kA 20
25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
40 40 40 40 40
6 Rated short circuit making current(peak value)

Rated dynamic current(peak value)

kv 50
63 63
80 80 80 80 80
100 100 100 100 100
7 Rated short circuit current breaking times times 30,50
8 Rated thermal stability time s 4
9 Rated operating sequence times 0-0.3s-C0-180s-C
10 Mechanism life times 30000
11 The breaking current of single rated capacitance bank A 400
12 The breaking current of rated back to back capacitance bank s 4


VSG-12 insulation cylinder withdraw type VCB drawing

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